Monday, July 20, 2009

A view from a park bench on the moon.

A View From a Park Bench.

Last night, in mediation, I took a deep breath in, softly exhaled into my minds eye, and a most unexpected vision appeared.

I was relaxing on a park bench on the moon.

I felt the enormity of silence. I gazed on in AWE of our galaxy and the eternal magnificence of our universe. Mother Earth is one heck of a view!

I sat on this bench, on the moon, for a long while. I couldn't move as I felt I had returned to the womb.

The feelings inspired the purest of prayers and blissful mental images to all. For The Light to guide our way home. For emotions of deep inner peace to be triumphant and victorious. For the embracing of acceptance and compassion to melt the minds of every soul, in all moments, myself included. My wish. may it be yours. Amen.

From a drug free park bench on the moon,


Laura Sanchez said...

You have a beautiful gift Zara. I'm grateful to view it! It is my deepest hope, that we all will experience inner peace!
Much love and light,


Bless Your Heart said...

Amazing....just like you!